Life events

For further information about baptisms, thanksgivings, weddings and funerals, please contact the Vicar in the first instance.
Please note: some of the links below have yet to become live

For a New Baby

The birth of a baby – and the start of a new life – is, of course, an event of the highest significance. And – as in the other great life events of marriage and death – the Church of England has a particular role in helping the people of this country mark these moments if they so wish. Here in Terrington the Church family is delighted to welcome families who seek to mark a new arrival with some kind of service in the Church building, and we offer them the choice of either a “Thanksgiving for the Birth of a Child” or a “Baptism” (or both).

A “Thanksgiving for the birth of a child” is a relaxed and meaningful opportunity for the family to gather together and, besides thanking God for the baby, to pray for him/her and the couple as they embark on the exciting but demanding task of being parents. As well as involving all the wider family and friends, the service has provision for particular supporters (like godparents) to commit themselves to the baby’s care and development. The service includes the public naming of the child, the presentation of a Gospel and the minister praying for God’s blessing for the baby. Whilst we are delighted to build such a service into one of our regular monthly All-age Services we are also happy to arrange for such services to take place separately, often at around noon on a Sunday, to suit the convenience of the family and their guests.

The Thanksgiving service does not involve the couple in making any promises about their own Christian commitment or Church attendance. Where a couple are already committed Christians – or feel that they would now like to make that kind of undertaking for themselves and their children – they can opt for a baptism service as a context in which to make it. Of course, many families who are committed Christians still opt for a Thanksgiving service anyway, on the grounds that they would like to leave their children to make their own minds up about baptism in due course. And indeed, a baptism service can take place at any stage after a Thanksgiving service, when either the parents or (in due course) the child feel it to be appropriate.

Baptism was first given as a mark of an adult repenting of their sins and turning to Christ, and of course it remains the proper sign of an adult’s conversion (and indeed we baptise as many adults as children). As baptism is about commitment to Christ and his Church, it always takes place in one of the Church’s main Sunday services and naturally involves some participation in the Church’s Sunday worship before a date is set. Where a family were not already members of the Church family this gives them a chance to meet the rest of the family – who will (in the baptism service itself) be promising their support in the walk with Jesus over the coming years.

Please feel free to contact Robert Slipper if you have any enquiries or questions about these services.


We are delighted to help you plan your wedding at the Parish Church.

On this page you will find all the information you initially need regarding having a wedding at Terrington St Clement Parish Church. These notes have been prepared to inform you about the various processes involved and decisions to be taken, and form the basis of the presentation at our Wedding Preparation sessions. It is most important that you attend one of these sessions, held in the Church building. Once your wedding is booked, a member of staff will be back in touch, to invite you to one some months before your wedding.

Please make sure that you read the files below, especially, “Organising a wedding at Terrington St Clement Parish Church” and take whatever action it says is necessary for your situation.

Organising a wedding at Terrington Parish Church – pdf – (right click and ‘save as’ to download.)

Application form – pdf – (right click and ‘save as’ to download.)

2024 Marriage FEES – pdf – (right click and ‘save as’ to download.)

Qualifying connection forms.

If you do not actually live in the Parish you will need to download the appropriate form below.

One of you has lived in the parish for six months or more at some stage in the past. – (right click and ‘save as’ to download.)

One of you has at any time regularly attended public worship in the parish for six months or more. – (right click and ‘save as’ to download.)

One of your parents has lived in the parish for six months or more within your lifetime. – (right click and ‘save as’ to download.)

One of your parents has regularly attended public worship there for six months or more within your lifetime. – (right click and ‘save as’ to download.)

One of you were baptised or prepared for confirmation in the parish. – (right click and ‘save as’ to download.)

The parents or grandparents of one of you were married in the parish. – (right click and ‘save as’ to download.)


A funeral is the opportunity for friends and family to express their grief, to give thanks and to find comfort and hope through the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.